Doxiepoo Grooming

Doxiepoos are low to moderate maintenance dogs that can easily be groomed at home by a first time owner. While most are familiar with the typical look of the Poodle coat, they are not so familiar with Dachshund types. Doxies can pass along genes for short, long and wire-haired coats so, combined with poodles genes, you have several coat possibilities that vary in length and amount of curl. Additionally, one parent is hypoallergenic while the other is not; this doesn't make the Doxiepoo what is commonly referred to as "hypoallergenic" but they said to produce less allergy-causing dander than many breeds. Although your Doxiepoo will vary from the next in the amount of care he/she needs, plan on several weekly brushings (coat and teeth), a bath and trim every 6-8 weeks, weekly nail trimming, as well as weekly ear maintenance of cleaning and plucking excess hairs.

Doxiepoo Coat Care

Doxiepoo (or Doodle) grooming will vary in difficulty based upon how much Poodle coat genes she inherits. If your pet inherits a short- medium, slightly wavy coat-- you're in luck and should have little difficulty with at home grooming. Those that have a long or curly coat may need professional grooming every 6-8 weeks. Either way, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • You should brush your Doxiepoo several times per week to keep his coat free of tangles and mats; you can use a 3/4 water: 1/4 conditioner solution to get through tough tangles.
  • Remember to also thoroughly brush them with a pin brush or slicker brush before bathing them, otherwise tangles will turn into mats which can become so unmanageable they must be cut out! A nice detangling conditioner after bathing will keep the hair soft.
  • An all natural soap is recommended, as this breed is rumored to have sensitive skin and allergies.
  • It's recommended not to completely dry your pet's coat with the blow-dryer so as not to damage the hair or skin.

Doxiepoo Styling & Haircuts

The necessity of a Doxiepoo haircut will vary based upon whether the coat is more Poodle or Dachshund like. A shorter, wavy coat may require little more than a few weekly brushings while longer, wavy to curly coats will likely need trimming every 6-8 weeks. Doodle haircuts are fairly straightforward with owners often opting for "short all over" styles.

The most common way to cut and style the Doxiepoo is to use clippers on the body, legs and muzzle, scissor the face and feet, and lightly scissor the tail and ears (most owners leave the hair longer here). Additionally, many owners choose to opt for an equally short clipped coat over all parts of the body.

Where to Get Doxiepoos

Where and how do you get Doxiepoos? Read our tips for finding this breed here.

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Authored by:Dog-Learn
Updated:December 4, 2016