Cute Miniature Schnauzer Puppy

Names for Small Black Dogs

Are you thinking about adding a small black dog to the family and want a name that perfectly captures the appearance of your puppy? If so, then look no further!

Whether you're seeking a full-name, nickname, or just need some names for inspiration - browse our list of over 30 little black dog names below. To make things easy, we have already categorized the names by gender and supply meanings to some of the more unique names.

Name / MeaningGenderLikesAce (of Spades)MaleFrom the spades card suitBeanNeutralBeetleNeutralBlackberryNeutralCaimanMaleSpecies of dark/black crocodilesCarbonNeutralColaNeutralDotFemaleDraculaMaleEight BallNeutralFrom BilliardsEmberNeutralEspressoNeutralFlintMaleGrimmMaleHersheyNeutralInkblotNeutralJavaNeutralJettFemaleLicoriceNeutralMelaniteNeutralBlack glossy gemstoneObsidianMaleBlack volcanic glassOliveFemalePoppy SeedNeutralRavenFemaleSabrinaFemaleSalemNeutralShadowShadyNeutralSmudgeNeutralSootNeutralZorroNeutral

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About this Article

Authored by:Dog-Learn
Updated:July 16, 2018