Jug Grooming

The Jug is a little dog with a huge personality--but as far as Jug grooming needs go, these dogs don't require much. Jugs will need weekly brushing with a bristle brush or grooming glove; they shed moderately, and possibly more heavily during the spring and/or fall shedding seasons, so daily brushing will be necessary during those periods.

Baths are needed every 2-3 months, and haircuts aren't required at all.

See the sections below for more details on bathing, and learn why shaving a Jug's coat is never a good idea.


Do Jug dogs smell? They can--especially if they're overdue for a bath! Jug dogs will need bathing every 2-3 months, unless of course the dog gets especially dirty and stinky and an "emergency bath" is called for.

It's also important when bathing a Jug to use canine shampoo, as the kind made for humans has a different pH and can irritate a dog's skin. The best shampoo for a Jug includes brands like Earthbath, 4-Legger, and Rocco & Roxie.

How to bathe a Jug: first give the dog a good brushing. Your Jug might be small enough to bathe in the kitchen sink; otherwise, a bathtub (hopefully with a spray nozzle attachment) or an outdoor plastic pool using a garden hose will work. Wet the coat thoroughly, then apply a small amount of Jug shampoo to the dog's back. Lather well, working downward and outward as you go. (And don't forget the legs, underbelly, and tail!) Clean the Jug's face, head, and ears with a washcloth, then rinse the coat completely.

Towel-dry the coat, then give the Jug another quick brush-through to make the coat look clean and neat.

Jug Styling & Haircuts

Jug dogs' short coats simply aren't long enough to sport any hairstyle other than natural.

Even so, some owners think shaving a Jug's coat will help reduce shedding. This is a myth. Unless the dog is shaved bald--which is not a good idea!--some coat remains, and the dog will still shed. The shed hairs will just be shorter. A shaved Jug will be more susceptible to heatstroke and sunburn, and will get cold very easily.

So to anyone thinking of shaving their Jug: put those clippers away!

Jug Care

See the complete guide on how to care for Jugs.

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Where to Get Jugs

Where and how do you get Jugs? Read our tips for finding this breed here.

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Authored by:Dog-Learn
Updated:March 21, 2020