Bullypit Grooming

The Bullypit, also called the American Bully, has a short, sleek coat that's pretty easy to maintain overall. These hybrids' coats only need brushing once or twice a week with a rubber curry brush to stay in good shape--but since their coats are short, you can use a circular motion when brushing to remove extra dead hair and dead skin cells. Baths are only necessary every six weeks or so. Haircuts aren't required at all--but many owners crop their Bullypits' ears for aesthetic purposes.

See below for further details on bathing a Bullypit. More info on ear cropping can be found in the Styling & Haircuts section.


Though opinions differ, a good median time range for bathing your Bullypit is every six weeks. Since the breed has a short-haired, single-layered coat, its skin is more exposed than dogs with longer and/or double coats--so those living in very sunny regions may want to bathe their American Bullies more often to relieve any sunburn.

Owners and groomers also debate what's the best shampoo for American Bully dogs, but overall, the best kind is one that moisturizes the skin and gives the hair plenty of shine. Burt's Bees Oatmeal Shampoo for Dogs is a favorite brand among owners.) In any case, make sure the shampoo is made for canines, as the kind made for humans usually has perfumes and other chemicals that severely irritate a dog's skin.

You can bathe your Bullypit either in a bathtub or in an outdoor kiddie pool using a garden hose. First give the dog a thorough brushing, then wet the coat completely; apply a quarter-sized amount of shampoo to the dog's back, then lather well, working downward. (And don't forget the legs, underbelly, and tail!) Finish lathering by using a washcloth on the head, face, and ears to avoid getting soap in your Bullypit's eyes. Rinse thoroughly. (Conditioner isn't necessary, but if you choose to use it, repeat using the steps above.) Towel-dry, then give the coat another quick brush-through to make it look shiny and neat.

Bullypit Styling & Haircuts

Since they're short-haired, Bullypits don't need haircuts at all. Many owners, though, do have their Bullypits ears cropped when the dogs are still young. More info on American Bully ear cropping styles:

Crop when the puppy is still small. Veterinarians recommend having the procedure done between 7-12 weeks of age. Technically, a dog can have its ears cropped at any age, but most vets won't perform the procedure on puppies older than 16 weeks.

Choose a style. The four American Bully ear crop styles, from shortest to longest:

  • Battle Crop: Less than 1 inch
  • Short Crop: 1-1½ inches
  • Show Crop: 1½-2½ inches
  • Long Crop: More than 2½ inches

Visit the veterinarian. You'll want to make an initial visit to the vet before the procedure to discuss price, your desired style, and additional care tips.
Follow the vet's after-care instructions. The vet will give you info on recovery from anesthesia, whether the dog will need to wear a cone, cleaning and maintaining the ears, and more.

Bullypit Care

See the complete guide on how to care for Bullypits.

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Authored by:Dog-Learn
Updated:March 16, 2019