Boykin Spaniel Grooming

Boykin Spaniels have medium-length, double-layered coats that usually have a slight wave to them. The coats don't require a great deal of maintenance, but they do shed a good bit and are prone to tangling or matting, so many Boykin owners elect to shave the coats shorter to make them easier to maintain.

See below for further details on caring for a Boykin Terrier's coat.

Boykin Spaniel Coat Care

Dogs of this breed have medium-length, slightly wavy coats that aren't too difficult to manage, but overall Boykin Spaniel grooming does require some effort. Their coats shed a good bit, so many owners (particularly those living in the Deep South) shave their Boykins' coats to half their length or more to minimize shedding and to help keep the dog cool in hot weather. These dogs will need brushing at least once a week, they'll need baths about once a month, and if clipped, they'll need their coats trimmed every 6-8 weeks.

Brush your Boykin weekly, in the typical line-brushing fashion. An oval pin brush works best for this breed, and having a slicker brush and/or a medium-toothed comb (to work through stubborn tangles/mats) is a good idea as well. If you're following the brushing with a bath, use a bathtub or an outdoor kiddie pool and a garden hose. Make sure to use canine shampoo, as shampoo made for humans (or any other kind of soap, for that matter) will irritate the dog's skin and lead to infections. Lather and rinse well, towel-dry, then give the coat another quick brush-through to make it look smooth.

If you choose to clip your Boykin, a Puppy Cut (in which the coat is shaved to about two inches all over) is a good choice. Many Bokyin owners learn to clip their dogs themselves from instructional Internet videos and such--but it's a good idea to have a professional groomer give the cut at least once. The groomer can give you instructions on how to clip the dog yourself, and he or she can pass along tips on how to groom a Boykin Spaniel in general.

Boykin Spaniel Styling & Haircuts

While giving your Boykin Spaniel a haircut certainly isn't required, many owners do clip the coats shorter to make them easier to maintain. A popular Boykin Spaniel cut style is a (modified) Puppy Cut, in which the coat is clipped to 2-3 inches in length.

A word of warning though: be careful not to clip the Boykin coat too short--and these dogs (or any other double-coated breeds, for that matter) should never have their coats shaved. Doing so will ruin the double coat's naturally insulating properties, and the dog won't shed any less; the shed hairs would just be shorter. If a Boykin Spaniel is shaved, the dog will be more susceptible to heatstroke and sunburn, and will get cold very easily.

Again: clipping the coat by a bit is fine. But anyone who's considering shaving a Boykin Spaniel should put their clippers away!

Boykin Spaniel Care

See the complete guide on how to care for Boykin Spaniels.

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Authored by:Dog-Learn
Updated:June 3, 2020