Boxador Care

The Boxador--a hybrid of a Boxer and a Labrador Retriever--is a playful, intelligent, protective crossbreed that makes a fantastic companion to active families. These dogs are beloved by owners everywhere--in part because Boxador care and maintenance, apart from some high exercise requirements, doesn't take a great deal of work.

Below you'll find details on caring for Boxador including info on puppy development, exercise needs, and shedding/drooling tendencies. For answers to your questions about owning this "bouncy" crossbreed, keep reading!

Boxador Exercise Needs

Boxadors are muscular, energetic dogs that are the offspring of two equally active breeds, so this crossbreed's exercise requirements are quite high. These dogs will need activities that both tone their muscles (like weight-pulling or tug-of-war) and condition their bodies (walking or fetch). They also make good jogging or bicycling companions.

The typical adult Boxador, depending on its age and overall activity level, will need 60 minutes of exercise per day at the very least, which you can accomplish with a couple of walks (or jogs/bike rides) and a good period of play. You can start exercising your Boxador puppy at three months of age by taking it on short (10-minute) walks, then you can increase the walks' length and frequency as the puppy grows.

A few precautions to consider when exercising your Boxador: first, puppies younger than nine months old shouldn't participate in activities that include a lot of jumping, running, and navigating of stairs, as doing so can injure their still-developing joints and bones. (And Boxadors--both puppies and adults--are very fond of jumping; in fact, they're often called "Bouncy Boxies!" So supervision of puppies regarding their jumping tendencies is a must.) Regardless of age, a Boxador will also need to be leashed when in public. Though not normally aggressive, these dogs are extremely loyal to and protective of their human family members, so they may be defensive and confrontational with strange people and animals. A leash will help you control your Boxador if such a situation arises. And finally: Boxadors are highly prone to bloat (also called gastric torsion), an often-fatal condition that occurs when a dog "wolfs" its food and air gets trapped in its stomach; the condition occurs most often if a dog eats just before or after exercising. It's best, therefore, to not feed your Boxador for an hour before or two hours after any physical activity.

Safeguards aside, it's vital that you exercise your Boxador every single day. If bored or restless, these dogs will exhibit major behavioral problems like hyperactivity, destructiveness, and even depression. Consistent Boxador exercise will be great for the dog's peace of mind--and for your own sanity as well. A few exercise ideas:

  • Walking/Jogging/Bicycling: Two 30-minute walks (or 20-minute jogs or bike rides) per day is a good target
  • Fetch: A Boxador will chase a ball or stick for hours
  • Weight-Pulling: Attach one end of a rope to a heavy object like a spare tire, and the other end to a harness for the dog
  • Dog Park: If well-socialized, Boxadors usually enjoy the company of other dogs; a leash is recommended
  • Tug-of-War: Great indoor, rainy-day activity; use a rope or old towel
  • Hiking: Excellent bonding excursion; bonus if you can find a remote area where the dog can be off-leash

When indoors, it's a good idea to give your Boxador access to one or more balls or toys that will allow the dog to burn excess energy--and odds are, the Boxador will have plenty of it! It's also recommended that you establish a regular exercise schedule for the dog, such as walks, jogs, or bike rides after breakfast and dinner and a play period in the afternoon.

Boxador Maintenance

In terms of shedding and drooling, these hybrids need a moderate amount of care. For the Boxer-Lab mix, shedding is fair for most of the year, but heavy during the summer shedding season; drooling occurs occasionally with these dogs.

Boxadors have short-haired, glossy coats that shed a little bit all year long--but when this crossbreed loses its winter coat in the summer, Boxador shedding can be quite profuse. Owners say weekly brushing (and daily during the summer shed) will minimize the shedding pretty well, but occasional vacuuming of floors and lint roller use on clothes and furniture will be necessary to pick up stray hairs.

And a Boxador, especially if the dog has hanging lips like its Boxer parent, might drool in anticipation of food, after drinking water, or when especially excited--but Boxador drooling is not a constant problem like that of a Saint Bernard or a Bloodhound. If your Boxador is drooling excessively, it may be a sign of a medical issue, in which case a veterinarian's care is necessary.

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Authored by:Dog-Learn
Updated:May 29, 2018