Brindle Boxador

Boxador Dog Breed

Other names:
Boxer Lab
Boxer Labrador
Labrador Boxer

Pronunciation: BOCK-suh-door

The Boxador is a hybrid breed that is part Boxer, part Labrador Retriever. This crossbreed is large-sized and short-haired, and is a playful, affectionate family companion with a great deal of energy. Boxadors are fairly low-maintenance, though they will require a lot of exercise. These dogs are generally healthy, but some are susceptible to bloat, and most are allergic to grains.

Boxador Breed Details

The Boxador, which can be considered a member of either the Working or Sporting groups of dog breeds, likely had its origin during the designer dog breed explosion in the U.S. during the 1980s. This crossbreed is an excellent family companion with great watch- and guard dog abilities, and is well-suited for those wanting an athletic pet that excels in tracking or obedience trials. A few Boxador facts: these dogs are large-sized, short-haired, and extremely active; they will need quite a bit of room to move, and they are seasonal shedders (meaning they shed only moderately except during the summer, when they shed profusely).


  • Extremely affectionate and loyal
  • Great watchdog ability
  • Intelligent
  • Obedient
  • Very athletic and agile
  • Loves to play
  • Excellent with children
  • Fairly high lifespan (12-15 years)
  • Easy to train
  • Socializes well with other pets
  • Low barking tendency
  • Fairly low-maintenance


  • Not hypoallergenic
  • High exercise requirements
  • Can develop separation anxiety if left alone
  • Will require a great deal of space; not suited for apartment living
  • Sheds heavily in summer
  • High tendency for obesity
10 - 15 yrs.
22 - 26 in.
75 - 110 lbs
OverallFamily FriendlyChild FriendlyPet FriendlyStranger Friendly
Easy to GroomEnergy LevelExercise NeedsHealthShedding Amount
Barks / HowlsEasy to TrainGuard DogPlayfulnessWatch Dog
Apartment DogCan be AloneGood for Busy OwnersGood for New OwnersIntelligence

Boxador Breed Description

Boxador info regarding appearance: this Boxer-Lab mix is large-sized and short-haired, with large, floppy ears, and a shortish muzzle and long, often hanging jowls that favor its Boxer heritage. Its body is lean and muscular, legs long, and tail long and curled (though many owners have the tail docked). This crossbreed inherits some great intelligence from its Labrador Retriever parent; it is typically obedient and very easy to train.

If any dog breed, whether pure or hybrid, can be said to be a bundle of energy, then the Boxador is it. These dogs don't really keep still at all; they'd rather bound around the house or yard than take a nap. At the same time, Boxadors are very devoted to their humans, and will want to spend every waking moment with them. Whether cooking, watching TV, or even sleeping, owners can expect their Boxadors to be at their sides as much as they're allowed to be. These dogs also love to eat, and will become obese if owners aren't careful; Boxadors (like most large dog breeds) are susceptible to bloat, which can be caused by the dog gobbling down a large portion of food -- something this crossbreed won't hesitate to do. Veterinarians suggest feeding a Boxador several small meals throughout the day, rather than one or two big ones.

Boxadors can make cool exercise buddies. Plus they are athletic and strong, and excel in agility trials, so physical activity (and plenty of it!) is a must for these dogs. A large fenced yard and at least about an hour of daily exercise is recommended.

Boxador Temperament

Affectionate, intelligent, fun-loving, loyal, and fairly needy, the Boxador temperament is one of playfulness, devotion, and love. A few Boxer-Lab mix characteristics: this spirited crossbreed is a fantastic playmate for kids and adults alike, and is quite the people-pleaser. Its easygoing disposition makes a Boxador a good match for families with other pets, but experts suggest that early socialization with children and other animals will result in a perfectly-tempered dog. Unfortunately, a drawback of a Boxador's loyalty is that it hates being alone, and will likely suffer separation anxiety if left too long in isolation; these dogs will often express their loneliness by loud barking/howling, or by the destruction of property.

In regards to training, Boxador traits are excellent. Their intelligence, obedience, and willingness to please make them exceptionally fast learners, and they will normally learn a new trick, task, or command with few repetitions. Boxador owners say that positive, reward-based training works best for these dogs.

Likewise, Boxadors make great watchdogs. Their size alone might be enough to deter a potential threat, and their protective instincts will cause them to be suspicious of--and bark at--unknown sights and sounds.

Boxador Health

  • While healthy overall, many Boxadors are susceptible to bloat; also called Gastric Dilatation Volvulus (GDY), bloat occurs when air, fluid, or foam builds up in a dog's stomach. It is usually fatal, and is often caused by the dog gulping a large quantity of food (during which it will also swallow a lot of air). Veterinarians recommend minimizing the risk by feeding a Boxador several smaller meals during the day, instead of one or two large meals.
  • Most Boxadors are also allergic to grains. While not fatal, an affected dog will develop skin and digestive problems; a telltale sign of grain allergy infection is when the dog licks its foot or stomach repeatedly, or has diarrhea. Vets encourage Boxador owners to feed their dogs only grain-free foods.
  • Other health issues sometimes affecting this crossbreed include hip or joint dysplasia, and eye infections.

Boxador Health Concerns

Below are potential health concerns associated with Boxadors.

Hip dysplasia
Eye infections
Grain allergy

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Authored by:Dog-Learn
Updated:March 2, 2017