Where to Get A Golden Cocker Retriever

Once you've decided the golden cocker retriever is the best dog for you, the next thing you need to decide is where to get your dog. Golden cocker retrievers are not as common as many other breeds, so it may be somewhat difficult to find. Regardless, this page will tell you where and how to find the ideal dog for you.

Buying A Golden Cocker Retriever

Since golden cocker retrievers can be difficult to find, you may not always have the choice of the puppy from the litter. If you do though, these steps will help make sure you choose the best puppy for your needs.

  • Choose Friendly Puppies - A freindly puppy will likely grow up being more tolerant of other animals and people. A friendly puppy doesn't mind being on the top or bottom when play fighting with other pups. If a puppy only wants to be on top, they likely have a more dominant demeanor.
  • Choose A Social Puppy - Social puppies will enjoy companionship with people and other animals when they're adults. Puppies the stick closely to the other puppies will be more social than a puppy that prefers lagging behind or being alone.
  • Choose A Non-Fearful Puppy - Puppies that approach people and don't cower or seem scared when you try to pet them are more likely to bond closely with their family than puppies that tuck their tail, cower, or urinate submissively.

Since golden cocker retrievers are not as common as other dogs, it is unlikely you will find golden cocker retrievers for sale at a pet store, craigslist, or in classified ads. It is more likely that you will need to find a reputable golden cocker retreiver breeder or a rescue with the breed. Below are more details about each.

Golden Cocker Retriever Price

Not every dog will be the same price, even if from the same litter. There are many things that can affect the golden cocker retriever's price including:

  • High demand and low availability
  • Rare coloring, size, or other unique traits
  • If both parents are registered with a kennel club
  • If one or both parents have won dog competitions
  • Younger in age
  • Free of any health issues (physical and mental)

Golden cocker retrievers that meet one or more of the above perks are considered more valuable and will likely cost more. With this being said, we have asked breeders and owners how much their golden cocker retriever cost and we have this average amount below:

Golden Cocker Retriever Care

See the complete guide on how to care for Golden Cocker Retrievers.

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Authored by:Dog-Learn
Updated:August 5, 2015