Bulldog Grooming

As a Bulldog owner you can expect an, overall, easy experience. This breed has a short, smooth coat that is kept in shape by daily to weekly brushing. In fact, your bully buddy will only need a bath every few months or on an "as needed" basis. We'll tell you the basics of what's necessary here along with information on:

  • Teeth cleaning
  • Tear stains
  • Ear cleaning
  • Wrinkle care
  • Nail trimming

Bulldog Coat Care

Grooming a Bulldogs coat is easy enough that even a first time owner can do it at home-- as long as you can devote weekly (but, preferably, daily) time to it. A bath is usually only needed once every few months. The most important English Bulldog grooming tips to remember are: brush the coat daily to weekly, choose the correct shampoo for your pet's skin, and make sure to keep those wrinkles clean!


Bulldogs should be brushed at least once per week but, ideally, they should be brushed daily if you have the time. They shed regularly and daily brushing will reduce the amount of hair you have to clean up. This routine also gives you a chance to regularly inspect their skin and shedding habits--which can tell you a good deal about their health. The best brush for an English Bulldog is a bristle brush or rubber brush/mitt; this breed can have sensitive skin not suitable for metal brushes.

Getting Out Tangles

The easy to care for Bulldog coat will not have tangles like a longer-coated breed-- but that doesn't mean you're off the hook! They shed regularly and will need weekly brushing (some experts recommend daily). Although keeping up this routine maintenance is best, some owners opt to use a Furminator on their Bulldog; these types of tools remove a large amount of loose dead hair at once.


Most experts maintain that bathing this breed of dog should only be done on an as-needed basis. This means unless they develop that Bulldog smell a bath is probably only needed every few months. In between baths you can use wipes for cleaning your Bulldog's wrinkles and folds. It's always recommended to brush your pet before bathing and getting the warm water ready beforehand. The eyes should be gently wiped with a wet rag. Bulldog shampoo should be gentle, pH balanced and, most importantly, for canines. The best shampoo for your Bulldog will depend upon how sensitive their skin is-- some may tolerate a gentle canine shampoo just fine while others may need an all-natural, unscented shampoo.

Bulldog Styling & Haircuts

If you were seeking a low maintenance pet in regards to grooming you may be thinking "Bulldogs are just my style" and in this department, at least, you would be correct. The short, smooth hair makes Bulldog haircuts or Bulldog shaving obsolete. The best style for the Bulldog is no style because they have a "wash and wear" coat that is best left as it is.

Paw Care

Bulldog nails should be checked monthly to see if trimming is necessary. An active bulldog may naturally keep the nails worn down, however, it's likely they will some sort of care. If you can hear your pets nails clicking on the ground when they walk-- time for a trim! A traditional clipper, spinning file or handheld filing board are your choices. While most owners opt for the nail clipper, the files may make it easier to take just a bit off at a time if you are new to nail care; the goal is to go carefully (and not too short) so as not to cut the quick which causes bleeding and pain for your pet.

Other Care

Teeth- Your English Bulldog's teeth should ideally be cleaned daily to prevent various health problems. Every other day is also acceptable but at least once per week is required. A quick once over with a finger brush or canine toothbrush and drop of doggy toothpaste will do just fine.

Ears- Check the ears a couple times per month for odor or visible debris. A cottonball or rag dipped in ear cleaning solution will remove this. If using Qtips be sure not to insert them into the ear.

Eyes- Bulldog tear stains are pretty common but preventing and removing them is quite easy. Just take a rag and wet it with lukewarm water, wipe your pet's eye area daily.

Wrinkles- In between baths wrinkles may be grounds for bacterial and yeast overgrowth which can lead to a bad smell. You can use a baby wipe or Qtip dipped in baby oil to clean in between the wrinkles and keep his or her skin healthy.

Bulldog Care

See the complete guide on how to care for Bulldogs.

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Authored by:Dog-Learn
Updated:August 2, 2017