Viking Ship at Sunset

Viking Dog Names

If you like Viking history, Nordic mythology, or just want a unique name with great meaning for your dog, this list is for you. Choose from over 50 Viking pet names for males and females to describe your dogs looks or personality perfectly. Here is a list of the most popular Viking names for dogs.

Name / MeaningGenderLikesAgnarMaleSharpAleksiaNeutralTo defend, to helpAnderMaleManly, warriorAsmundMaleDivine protectionAstridFemaleDivine beautyAstrildeFemaleBestlaFemaleAn ancient Frost GiantessBeylaNeutralElfBirgetFemaleProtecting, strength, powerBjornMaleBodolfMaleBorrMaleOdins fatherBrandtDisaFemaleActive spiritEinarMaleWarrior, leaderEirikMaleEydisFemaleGoddess of good luckFenrirMaleFitchMaleGod of arbitrationFreyaFemaleNoble womanGandalfMaleWand elfGeirodMaleEnemy of all the Norse godsGriggFemaleGoddess of earthGunnarMaleFighterGunnolfMaleHerthaFemalePowerful womanHugiMaleGiantIvarMaleArcherKariFemaleKlengMaleLokiMaleMagniMaleGod of might and strengthMagnusMaleOdinMaleHead of the Norse gods, furyOlafNeutralRelicRaneFemaleSkirnirNeutralThe shining oneSköllNeutralA wolf that chased the sunSolMaleSteinnNeutralStoneThiaziNeutralA giantThorMaleTikiMaleGod of stoneTyrMaleGod of warUrdFemaleGoddess of destiny, fateValiMaleGod of revengeValkyrieFemaleVargNeutralWolfVegardNeutralProtectionViliMaleOne of Odins brothersVorFemale

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Authored by:Dog-Learn
Updated:March 5, 2018