Black & White Jack-A-Poo
Jessie the Jack-a-pooJack PeaseCC BY

Jack A Poo Dog Breed

Other names:
Jack Russell Poodle
Poodle Jack Russell

The Jack-A-Poo is a small to medium sized dog that is the product of two hunting breeds with interesting histories. It is cross-bred from a Jack Russell Terrier and Miniature Poodle and will inherit traits from both parents. They are highly energetic, have lots of stamina and are as intelligent as they are keen to please. They are great with children but not so with other pets unless brought with them from an early age. Lots of daily activity, frequent outdoor time and a fair amount of grooming will keep them healthy and happy. Members of this breed are easily trainable and very eager to please. Jack-A-Poos are happy living outdoors and, although small, are by no means lap dogs.

Jack A Poo Breed Details

Below are details and specs for the Jack-A-Poo dog breed.

10 - 15 yrs.
10 - 15 in.
15 - 20 lbs
OverallFamily FriendlyChild FriendlyPet FriendlyStranger Friendly
Easy to GroomEnergy LevelExercise NeedsHealthShedding Amount
Barks / HowlsEasy to TrainGuard DogPlayfulnessWatch Dog
Apartment DogCan be AloneGood for Busy OwnersGood for New OwnersIntelligence

Jack A Poo Breed Description

Jack-A-Poos are small dogs that usually weigh around 15-20 pounds and are about 10-15 inches in height. They have short, small legs and come from a Terrier strain that was literally meant to have short legs so that the dogs could be carried in slings on the backs of horsemen going to the hunt.

With family, kids and known friends, Jack-A-Poos will be friendly, playful and enthusiastic. With strangers, they will be very wary and may even bark non-stop unless they were trained early on to restrain themselves when commanded. They usually don’t get along well with other pets unless socialized from an early age and they may challenge or chase other animals.

Get ready to pay lots of attention to your Jack-A-Poo, and not just for grooming. Exercise is the name of the game, and the more you run and play, the healthier and happier your Jack-A-Poo will be. There is always the chance that your dog my get a lot more from the Poodle than the Jack Russell Terrier side, and this may mean a slightly less energetic Jack-A-Poo, but you will still find it wants a lot of play time as well as a need to be brushed regularly.

Jack A Poo Breed History

The history of the Jack-A-Poo is a complicated one due to one of its parent breeds, the Jack Russell Terrier. The American Kennel Club (AKC) doesn’t recognize the Jack-A-Poo or the Jack Russell Terrier, but it does officially recognize the Poodle and first did so in 1887. Despite the long histories of its parent breeds, Jack-A-Poos have a very short history and there is not yet much known about them. They have been around since the early 21st century and are already a popular designer dog.

Although the Jack Russell Terrier was a dog that preceded the Russell Terrier and the Parson Russell Terrier, only the latter two are officially recognized by the AKC. It was the Jack Russell Terrier, however, that was first bred in England in the very early 19th century. The desire was for a feisty, stamina-filled hunting dog with short legs that were fine for the low, flat lands where it was conceived.

The Miniature Poodle is not by recognized by that exact name by the AKC but it is one of three Poodle strains, and the Poodle was officially recognized in 1887. (There are three Poodles: Standard, Miniature and Toy - all of which are recognized by the AKC simply as “Poodle.”) The Poodle breed is much older than the Jack Russell Terrier and was first noted during the 15th century in Europe. It, too, was bred for hunting.

Jack A Poo Appearance

Jack-A-Poos are generally small dogs, but they are by no means lapdogs. Since they are cross-bred, they will inherit characteristics from both parent breeds - but they may get more from one parent or the other, or perhaps an equal amount from both. Since both parent breeds are hunting dogs, they will almost certainly be very energetic.

They usually have long torsos, short legs, a flat head with medium- to large-sized ears and a large, broad snout. They have little eyes that tend to seem smaller because of their hair. Their coats may be short and coarse or long and curly, and they come in a variety of colors or could be just one. If they have a short tail, it will usually be held upright; if it’s a long tail, it may just flop. Then there are those with medium tails that shoot straight out behind them.

Jack A Poo Colors

The images below represent the coat colors and patterns associated with Jack A Poos.

Additional Coat Colors
Silver and Gray

Jack A Poo Variations

Adoption is an admirable decision when searching for a pet. However, those that want specific sizes, traits and appearance should consult a reputable breeder. They should be knowledgeable about the small nuances between generations of Jack A Poos. An F1 Jack A Poo is obtained when you cross a purebred Poodle with a purebred Jack Russell Terrier. F2's are the result of mating two F1's and so on. Any generation can be back crossed with one of the original parent breeds to enhance certain characteristics (this is your F1B and F2B, etc.).

There will be a wild variation in the size of your Jack A Poo due to the possible combinations of different sizes of Jack Russells and Poodles.

  • Standard Poodle and Jack Russell Terrier
  • Medium Poodle and Jack Russell Terrier
  • Miniature Poodle and Jack Russell Terrier
  • Toy Poodle and Jack Russell Terrier

Now, take into consideration that Jack Russells are also sometimes bred in Miniature versions and you have double the possibilities!

Coat texture is another feature that will be different among puppies. The curly coat of the Poodle can combine with one of 3 types of Jack Russell coats-- smooth, broken and rough. Any combination will certainly result in an interesting texture! We recommend visiting the pages of both parent breeds for specific details about size ranges and coat types.

Jack A Poo Temperament

The Jack-A-Poo comes from hunting dogs, so they will most likely exhibit traits along those lines. Still, there are enough differences between Jack Russell Terriers and Poodles that Jack-A-Poos may get more characteristics from one parent than the other.

They are extremely energetic and active dogs, and if not given toys, attention, lots of exercise and things to do, will quickly develop destructive behavior to burn off energy as well as to express its displeasure with boredom. They are intelligent, curious, friendly and extremely alert, and they make good watchdogs and relatively decent guard dogs; they have a loud, piercing and insistent bark. They may be small, but they can be fierce if threatened.

As they are intelligent, they can be trained easily, and it is best to start early — especially if you want to curb their barking. They love to play, they love to learn tricks and they are very affectionate. They are not lapdogs, so apartment life is not for them. The bigger the house and larger the yard, the better your Jack-A-Poo will love you!

Jack A Poo Maintenance

The Jack-A-Poo is a high-maintenance dog that makes more of a mess exploring things if bored than shedding if not brushed. Still, regular brushing is best if he has more of a Poodle coat (long and somewhat wavy) rather than a Terrier coat (short and coarse). Trips to a professional groomer to trim his Poodle-styled hair may be needed every 6-8 weeks.

Exercise is the most important part of a Jack-A-Poo’s maintenance. They will need and want a lot of activity, balls to chase, things to do and daily walks outside if they don’t have a large yard and someone else to play with them in it. If you want a lapdog or one that likes to sit all day by your feet or be left alone, a Jack-A-Poo may not be for you.

They are highly excitable, love attention and will be on constant alert for any unknown activity, strangers at the door (or even nearby) and unusual noises - but they are highly intelligent, eager to please the alpha dog (which should be you or a family member) and easily trainable with patience and persistence.

Grooming Requirements

Jack-A-Poos are usually medium-maintenance dogs when it comes to grooming. If they get more of the Poodle side, they will have to be brushed often and may have to be trimmed more frequently as their hair may be somewhat long and not shed much, if at all. If they acquire more of their Jack Russell Terrier parent’s side, they may have short, coarse hair that requires very little brushing and trimming. Care must be taken when brushing and grooming, however, as Jack-A-Poos are prone to skin problems.

Exercise Requirements

Exercise is extremely important if you have a Jack-A-Poo. Although some may have slightly less stamina and energy than others due to getting less from the Jack Russell Terrier side than their Poodle parent, they will almost assuredly have lots of energy and curiosity to burn. Be ready to run, play, throw balls and have long daily walks (or jogs) to keep your Jack-A-Poo in top physical and mental health.

Living Requirements

Apartments and small homes without yards are not good for Jack-A-Poos. They are very active and require a lot of stimulation and running room to remain healthy in every way. Because they love to run long and wide, a large yard with a high fence is best to keep them from escaping or chasing small animals outside the fence. (If they get more from their Jack Russell Terrier side, they will tend to jump higher than you may think!) They may love to dig too, so be sure to watch for that.

Jack A Poo Health

Jack-A-Poos usually live for about 10 to 15 years if properly exercised and taken care of. They are known for having skin, eye, bloating and joint problems. Keeping their eyes clean is as easy as using a soft, wet washrag once or twice a week for a few seconds, and if they have long hair over their big ears, be sure to check those too.

Jack A Poo Health Concerns

Below are potential health concerns associated with Jack A Poos.

Patellar luxation
Legg-Calve-Perthes disease

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Authored by:Dog-Learn
Updated:February 13, 2017